Co-authored by Robert Whitman and Adam Smiley

Spring is around the corner, with summer not far behind, so thoughts naturally turn to the obvious topic: internships.

Although the volume of new lawsuits by unpaid interns challenging their status has abated significantly since the Second Circuit issued its decision in July 2015 announcing a new legal standard and rejecting the Department
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Co-authored by Robert S. Whitman and Adam J. Smiley

Last week, this blog reported on the guidance from the Department of Labor (DOL) regarding the classification of independent contractors under the FLSA. The 15-page Administrator’s Interpretation (AI) seeks to restrict the use of independent contractors by reading the FLSA’s definition of “employ” as broadly as possible and by tightening the
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Co-authored by Richard Alfred, Alex Passantino, Patrick Bannon, and Adam Smiley

Today, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) issued its first Administrator’s Interpretation (AI) on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in more than a year. As the Administrator, Dr. David Weil, had forecast in a speech last month, today’s AI discusses the
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